Universität Heidelberg HITS HGS MATCH IWR

PDESoft 2014 Heidelberg

July 14 - 16, 2014

Coding Days: July 17 - 18, 2014

Simulation software for complex phenomena based on models involving partial differential equations (PDE) has become an important topic in modern research from mathematics and scientific computing providing methods and algorithms to application fields utilizing codes and defining requirements on their technical abilities. Powerful, but also complex mathematical algorithms and advanced hardware architectures have widened the span of practically computable problems considerably. But this power does not come for free and is typically related to complex implementations which have to be developed over many years. The development of powerful, academic, multi-purpose libraries for PDE simulation began about 1990. Nowadays, there are several widespread codes which are well developed and well maintained. These codeas have different characteristics, making them better suited for different problems.

PDESoft conferences provide a discussion venue for developers and users of such libraries as well as researchers who study implementation of computer algorithms for PDE. They serve as a focus point, where the state-of-the-art implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms is discussed. They give developers a chance to share ideas with developers of other packages and users. And users of such sofware have an opportunity to learn about the development principles of software and contribute their knowledge from the point of view of application.

The PDESoft conferences started in 2012 at Universität Münster. After the conference, a considerable number of participants gave positive feedback and it was agreed, that a series of conferences on the topic of PDE-Software was needed. The conference this year is the second in this series.

The 2014 conference will be hosted jointly by the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and Heidelberg University's Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR). The presentations and discussions will take place at the Studio Villa Bosch in Heidelberg, Germany.

The conference is followed by coding days (July 17/18) at the IWR. Two days of joint coding. We will set up infrastructure (power and ethernet) in a single room such that participants can discuss while writing code on their laptops and other devices.

Conference photo

Invited Speakers

PDESoft Programme Committee

Local Conference Committee

© PDESoft 2014 Conference, c/o Prof. Dr. G. Kanschat, IWR, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg
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